Saturday 17 March 2012


 After stalk kau punya blog , fb and twitter , I feel kinda stupid. IM STUPID DONT YOU ? YES IM STUPID TO YOU RIGHT ? Stupid because tweet macam-macam kan ? What ? You want me to mention you ? Dafaakk. What you say , talam dua muka ? Hahah , right , yes aku memang talam dua muka. FYI , the whole world is Talam Dua Muka.
You make me feel like a bicth. Like a Bicth. You make me feel like im the one who cruel , evil , selfish , dont you ?

Lepas baca kesemua , air liur yang ditelan terasa pahit sangat. Makan lolipop chupa chupa tu terasa tawar sangat. Ya Allah , maafkan aku. I feel like if i die someday , they will be happy because for them its happy ending.

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